...posted is information for understanding what Racism is and how to end the ongoing War
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Operation small AXE
For viewers: While mentally processing the information in the video regarding this incident, attempt to perceive the "naturalness" in which the Racist Team dealt with the entire matter. Including how the Racist Team dealt with the black people who were not immediately involved.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
RAD isn't cool

Most people on this planet know racism (white supremacy) exists but the non-white people have been confused as to the mechanics of its functionality. Experiencing the confusion long term may result in an ongoing attempt to avoid understanding racism (white supremacy). A non-white person attempting to avoid understanding racism (white supremacy) is intertwined with a disturbed mental condition called Racism Avoidance Disorder.
The key symptom of RAD is a lack of analysis in the context of White Supremacy. An audio example can be heard here. https://archive.org/details/TheCowsRadioShow (Episode #349 Off and Running)
Other symptoms include: Reluctance to Address, Accurately Analyze, or Admit the Dominance of White Supremacy; Reluctance to acknowledge that people, namely the Racists (White Supremacists), are opposing non-white people; Doing things to be more acceptable to White people; Suffering from (unconsciously/consciously) the desire to be White.
RAD is a result of racism (white supremacy) being practiced in a refined manner. White people who practice racism (white supremacy) have learned and teach other White people what to say/do and what not to say/do when in "mixed-company". White children easily pick this up and understand this refined method. The little things go a long way. Some examples: the average White person saying they "Welcome diversity", "African-American" instead of "Nigger", as well as removing "Whites Only" signs. Through the practice of refined racism (white supremacy) White people have almost perfected the System of White Supremacy. Evidence to this is the vast majority of non-white people are NOT interested in combating White Supremacy (Racism). More evidence is many non-white people call the refined method of practicing racism (white supremacy) - "progress". Some non-white people even think White Supremacy does not exist. Racists (white supremacists) must maintain an environment in which the number of non-white people who are willing to consciously combat racism (white supremacy) is insignificant. Refined racism (white supremacy) has nearly completely deteriorated the will of non-white people to combat racism (white supremacy).
↑RR → ↑CV → ↑RAD → ↓W
The measure of the effectiveness of racism (white supremacy) is in the degree of will non-white people display in consciously combating racism (white supremacy).
↓RR → ↓CV → ↓RAD → ↑W
Refined Racism → Confused Victims → RAD → Will to Combat White Supremacy
"White [Supremacy] rule is therefore purely political, based on prescription, prestige, and lack of effective opposition. These are indeed fragile foundations. Let the brown world (non-white people) once make up its mind that the white man (White Supremacy) must go, and he will go, for his position will have become simply impossible. It is not solely a question of a [physical] "war"; mere passive resistance, if genuine and general, would shake white rule to its foundations." Lothrop Stoddard, Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy, pg.83
Friday, February 25, 2011
Racism is War
See what picture the white people who run Yahoo! chose to use for their front page when showing these non-white females? White people use images like these to encourage, promote, and give training to so-called black people on how to behave towards each other. Even though the problem is white people already causing all sorts of difficulties for these non-white females, white people continue to mistreat them by using them and their image to further degrade them as victims of racism (white supremacy) while promoting conflict between non-white people.
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