Monday, July 11, 2016

Mandatory for Domination

There are certain things that individual members of the White Race must do as a team in order to maintain domination over THEIR black victims.

-Modify the memory/mental capacity of their victims
-Manipulate/Confuse information accessed by or provided to their victims
-Deceive/Cover up the extent of damage being done to their victims

Originally posted January 2013, edited 7/11/2016.

The Racial Dot Map

A member of the only Race mentioned this website (The Racial Dot Map), he said it is informative. After checking it out....I agree.

I used to think Santa Claus was real. I used to think WWF wrestling was real. At one point in time before I gave the subject of "race" any serious thought for the purpose learning how to end the System of White Supremacy, I went with the notion that individuals classified as "black persons" are members of a race; so-called "The Black Race".
Notes on Race:
If you cannot practice Racism, then why would you say you are a member of a Race?

In July 2016, saying anything that suggests a black individual is a member of a Race sounds like a mental cushion from the truth, which is that all black individuals are victims of Race.