Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Use Strategies That Work

Gathered these thoughts from a message given by Governor Jay Inslee about how to work to weaken COVID-19 as a problem, to then be able to permanently control the virus from being an ongoing problem. There's useful info in the video included. Some of the codified approaches suggested in the video apply to solving problems universally.

1) Keep yourself healthy.

2) Cooperation can move mountains (with cooperation we can get more done in a shorter amount of time).

2) Unity of Purpose / the purpose is to Replace White Supremacy With Justice keeping this purpose in mind while working to solve the problem helps to sustain motivation in the case the problem may last a long time.

3) It is smart to adapt behaviors quickly that work to weaken the problem.

4) Even though it's difficult, don't be numb to the challenge.

5) Try not to be deceived, the system of White Supremacy will only go away if we make it go away.

Nonwhite people should commit to a set of behaviors that work to weaken White Supremacy. There are many things black people can do to work towards weakening White SupremacySome suggestions of how to go about weakening White Supremacy can be found at,

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